Dr. Henry Kepner Long Term Professional Development Grant
Dr. Henry Kepner Long Term Professional Development Grant
The Wisconsin Mathematics Education Foundation awards grants of up to $4,000 each to provide financial assistance to teachers, grade level groups, or school districts for long-term professional development pertaining to mathematics education. Grants will be awarded to help support sustained professional learning that engages teachers in deepening their mathematical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics, knowledge of students as learners of mathematics, and in improvement of instructional practices.
Kepner Grants are specifically intended for a group of math educators who are working with one or more outside consultants. Stafford Grants or Howell Grants for Educators of Color should be used by individual teachers who are looking for professional development.”
Long-term professional development for purposes of this award is defined as 6 to 12 months of sustained and intensive engagement in professional learning.
Additional information can be found on the grant application form.
Submit the grant application material via email to wmef@wismath.org.
The deadlines for these applications is July 1 and December 1.