Mission & Goals
WMC Vision
Inspiring high quality mathematics education for all.
WMC Mission
The Wisconsin Mathematics Council is dedicated to connecting, supporting, and empowering the diverse mathematics community.
The Wisconsin Mathematics Council is committed to:
Providing relevant professional learning;
Fostering effective mathematics leadership;
Advocating for all teachers as professionals and all learners as doers of mathematics,
so that mathematics is understood as an intriguing and intrinsically beautiful way to make sense of the world.
WMC Goals
- Actively identify, engage, and recruit members to analyze and determine next steps with membership.
- Provide guidance and support for our student affiliate groups (with hopes to expand and further connect).
- Provide learning and support for equitable teaching practices.
WMC Achieves
WMC and our foundation, the Wisconsin Mathematics Education Foundation, is pleased to provide to our members and to the public our Annual Report. Annual reports provide an overview of both WMC and WMEF including our activities and finances as outlined by our strategic plan. Should you have questions regarding the Annual Report, please contact wmc@wismath.org
Past Annual Reports
2021 Annual Report
WMC Believes
The Wisconsin Mathematics Council believes that inequitable educational practices have contributed to a race-based, deficit narrative around students of color that are not acceptable.
Read the WMC Racial Equity Position Statement
WMC Supports
The Wisconsin Mathematics Educaiton Foundation was established in 2011 to utilize the generosity of contributors through the creation and funding of scholarship, grants, and other educational projects that support the improvement of mathematics teaching and learning in Wisconsin.