Annual Conference Sponsorship Levels


The Wisconsin Mathematics Council's Annual Conference will be the largest mathematics education professional learning experience in the state.

Held on May 7 -9, 2024 at the Green Lake Conference Center, WMC will bring together educators from around the state to support the teaching and learning of mathematics. 

There are several sponshorship opportunities at the Annual Conference that will help promote your company’s products and services to conference attendees. 

All sponsorships include the following benefits: 

  • At least one free exhibit hall table in our vendor area. Additional tables can be purchased.
  • Logo with hyperlink displayed on the WMC Annual Conference Website from January through August
  • Logo displayed in the printed Conference Shedule
  • Sponsorship signage at the Conference Registration Area and a WMC Event

Please review the sponsorship opportunities for specific details. If you have alternative ideas for sponsoring the WMC Annual Conference, please email WMC at


Does your company want to be an Exclusive Sponsor of the WMC Annual Confernence? With only three Platinum Sponsorships, your company will get the premium benefits of being highly visible to our conference participants.

Benefits include:

  • Exclusive sponsor of a WMC Event:
    • Wednesday Evening “Celebrate WMC” event Includes giving away Amazon gift cards during the Heads &Tails Raffle (or comparable WI Math Education Foundation raffle), comparable to approximately $300.
    • Thursday Morning WMC Pi Run/Walk ” Inclueds printed logo on the Pi Run giveaway, comparable to approximately $300.
    • Friday All-Day Leadership Event” Inclueds sinage with company logo in meeting spaces and sponsorship of breaks, comparable to approximately $300.
    • Two exhibit hall tables in Premium Location. Additional exhibit hall tables available for purchase for $200 per table.
    • Extra Large Company Logo with hyperlink on the Conference Website. Logo will be displayed from January through August.
    • Company Logo in the Printed Conference Schedule given to all participants.
    • Full page ad in the Online Conference Booklet available from January through August.
    • Sponsor signage at the Conference Registration Area and the selected WMC Event.

Does your company want to be a major sponsor of the WMC Annual Confernece? With a Gold Sponsor, your company will get the major benefits of being visible to our conference participants.

Benefits include:

  • Two exhibit hall tables. Additional exhibit hall tables available for purchase for $200 per table.
  • Large Company Logo with hyperlink on the Conference Website. Logo will be displayed from January through August.
  • Company Logo in the Printed Conference Schedule given to all participants.
  • Half page ad in the Online Conference Booklet available from January through August.
  • Sponsor signage at the Conference Registration Area.

Does your company want to be a sponsor of the WMC Annual Conference? With this Silver Sponsorship, your company will sponsor the table tents in the Kraft Centre Dining Hall for all three days making your logo visible to our conference participants.

Benefits include:

  • One exhibit hall table. Additional exhibit hall tables available for purchase for $200 per table.
  • Medium Company Logo with hyperlink on the Conference Website. Logo will be displayed from January through August.
  • Company Logo in the Printed Conference Schedule given to all participants.
  • Quarter page ad in the Online Conference Booklet available from January through August.
  • Sponsor signage at the Conference Registration Area.

Does your company want to be a sponsor of the WMC Annual Conference? With this Bronze Sponsorship, your company will have your logo visible to our conference participants.

Benefits include:

  • One exhibit hall table. Additional exhibit hall tables available for purchase for $200 per table.
  • Small Logo on the Conference Website. Logo will be displayed from January through August.
  • Logo on the Conference app.
  • Sponsor signage at the Conference Registration Area.
  • Company Logo in the Printed Conference Schedule given to all participants.
  • Sponsor signage at the Conference Registration Area.

Does your company want to be a sponsor a teacher to attend the WMC Annual Conference? With this Benefactor Sponsorship, your company will support a teacher from an underrepresented district to attend two days of the conference through the WMC Foundation, the Wisconsin Mathematics Education Foundation. Benefits include your company recognition at the conferences' WMC Celebrate Event on Wednesday evening

Does your company want to be a sponsor a keynote for the WMC Annual Conference? With this Keynote Sponsorship, your company will have your logo visible to our conference participants.

Benefits include:

  • Company logo accompanying keynote speaker session information on Conference Website, Online Conference Booklet, and Printed Conference Schedule
  • Sponsor signage at the Conference Registration Area.
  • Sponsor signage at the speaker’s session.
  • Sponsor recognized during keynote introduction or option to introduce keynote.
  • Recognition at Celebrate WMC event.
  • Ability to host a book signing at the conference.

To become a Keynote Sponsorship, please email WMC at