Board of Directors Nominations

WMC Seeks Candidates to Run for the WMC Board of Directors! 

WMC is seeking nominations for the following board positions for three year terms:

  • Grades 3-5 Representative
  • Grades 9-12 Representative
  • Supervisor/Administrator Representative

The Wisconsin Mathematics Council Board of Directors is seeking nominations for President-Elect. This position will serve 1 year in this role, 2 years as president, and 1 year as past president.

The Wisconsin Mathematics Council has a long tradition of dedicated volunteerism, and the organization maintains its strength and viability because of its volunteers. In order to sustain our most precious resource, consider using your talents and become a member of the WMC Board.

The duties of the three open Representative Board Members are highlighted below. Additional responsibilites for the Secretary are expected.

  • Attend all Board meetings including a two day summer onboarding and board retreat, a full day fall meeting (on a Saturday), a two day winter retreat meeting (on a Saturday and Sunday), and spring virtual meeting
  • Advocate for the representative group (i.e., elementary mathematics, high school mathematics, etc.).
  • Serve as a liaison to a committee cluster, which may include additional meetings.


WMC Nominations and Elections Process

The WMC Nominations & Elections Committee will develop a slate of candidates and oversee the election process in March. Virtual Election Ballots will be sent to all members in early April. The results will be announced at the May Annual Meeting. 

WMC hopes you will take advantage of this opportunity to become active in the Wisconsin Mathematics Council! To nominate yourself or another, please fill out the 2025 Board of Directors Nomination Form no later than January 31st. 

Each nominee must include a professional statement that outlines evidence of your commitment to mathematics education as expressed in the vision and mission of WMC and a relevant sample of your professional experiences highlighting your leadership in WMC or other professional organizations and/or presenting at conferences.  

Please read the WMC Nominations and Elections Process for more details.